Friday, June 19, 2015

Charge,Current,Voltage,Power and Energy

Charge,Current,Voltage,Power and Energy  


              My leanings about charge,current,voltage,power and energy is that charge is the basic quantity in an electric circuit and define as an electrical properties of material in physics as a electrical charge.The charge is measured in coulombs or letter "C" and the charge is q(t)and 1 electron is equivalent of 1.602X10^-19C(coulombs). In atoms there are two types of charges the negative or electron and the positive or the proton positive and negative charges move in different direction.

             The current is the flow electrical charge to the conductors it will measure in Ampere and there are to types of current the alternating current or AC the flow of electric charge is one line only maybe it the direction of it is going to positive of negative and direct current or DC the flow of electric charge is up and down just like a wave.

             In Voltage it is the charge rates of doing work or the energy required to move a unit charge through an element it symbolize letter "V". Voltage may be constant/ varying and voltage is the one who push the ampere.

             The other one is the power. Power defined to be the time rate of doing work it measure watt(w) and the power can be solve in this equation power is equivalent to the work over time.For me the power shows us the time that the work requires.The power can be absorbed or supply by the circuit element.The power absorb by the element can be either negative of positive. Positive power is an element that absorb power and the negative power is element that can supply power and the power (P supplied +P absorbed = 0.

             The last one is the energy. The most common description of the Energy define as the capacity to do work.It measured my Joule(J).




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