Friday, June 26, 2015

Basic Laws: Series and Parallel and Introduction to Experiment

Basic Laws: Series and Parallel 

                 In the basic law there are two types of circuits the series and parallel. In my understanding about series resistor there are one path charge and the same current flow to them but not in voltage. To solve for the resistance use  KVL and in voltage division Vn=VsRn/(R1+R2...Rn).
                In parallel resistor there re common voltage across it but not in current. To solve use the KCL law.In KVL sum of the current intering is the sum of the current leaving to the nodes.
                The cunductance (G) of the series 1/Geq = parallel conductance Geq =G1+G2+....

Introduction to Experiment

      The first laboratory exercise we have the introduction to
Experiment to know the basic laboratry equipment and to develop our practical skills  in using tools and components in the laboratory and develop the techniques of gathering accurate experiment information and to develop the communication through report we pass.
       In our experiment we gathered information about the tools and components in the laboratory and there specification of it.


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