Friday, June 26, 2015

Basic Laws: Series and Parallel and Introduction to Experiment

Basic Laws: Series and Parallel 

                 In the basic law there are two types of circuits the series and parallel. In my understanding about series resistor there are one path charge and the same current flow to them but not in voltage. To solve for the resistance use  KVL and in voltage division Vn=VsRn/(R1+R2...Rn).
                In parallel resistor there re common voltage across it but not in current. To solve use the KCL law.In KVL sum of the current intering is the sum of the current leaving to the nodes.
                The cunductance (G) of the series 1/Geq = parallel conductance Geq =G1+G2+....

Introduction to Experiment

      The first laboratory exercise we have the introduction to
Experiment to know the basic laboratry equipment and to develop our practical skills  in using tools and components in the laboratory and develop the techniques of gathering accurate experiment information and to develop the communication through report we pass.
       In our experiment we gathered information about the tools and components in the laboratory and there specification of it.


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Kirchoff Law

Kirchoff Law

       There are two types of law the Kirchoff Current Law (KCL) and Kirchoff Voltage Law in first law the Kirchoff Current Law (KCL) states that the algebraic sum of currents leaving a node (or a closed boundary) is zero.
  -Current entering = +Ve
  -Current leaves = -Ve
  -It mean Current entering = Current Leaving
       In Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) states that the algebraic sum of all voltages around a closed path (or loop) is zero. Your choice if you want to use clockwise or counterclockwise.

Nodes,Braches & Loops

Nodes,Branches & Loops

   In this topics I learning about nodes is the point of connection of to or more branches for example like a cross road they intersect in center that center called nodes in electrical way in branches It represent resistor or a voltage source and the last one is the loops is a close path in a circuit mean passing through a set of nodes, and returning to the starting node without passing but one a time.



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Ohms Law

Ohms Law

     We can see in this picture Ohm’s law states that the voltage v across a resistor is directly proportional to the current i flowing through the resistor. We can see in this picture:
Ohms Law Formula: V=IR 
The value of R 0 to infinite but we can use only the ohms law in linear resistor.
  In Short circuit is when there is no resistance between two points. When this happens, current will be at maximum because the is very little to limit the flow of charge.
  In Open circuit is the opposite, when resistance is very high and there is no flow of current.  

Reciprocal of resistance R, known as conductance and denoted by G:
         Conductance(G) - Siemens (S)
P=iv ---> i(iR) = i^2Ewatts
     ---> (v/R)v=v^2/R watts

R and G are positive quantities thus power is always positive.


Circuit Element

Circuit Element


      Element is the basic building block of the circuit example are the resistor,capacitor,voltage and other. 

There are types of elements:

  -Active elements it is capable of generating energy. Example of    the  Active elements are the voltage source and transistors. 
  -Passive element which receive energy one of it are the magnetic field.

Source is divided into two:

  -Independent source
        Does not depend to the elements to supply voltage or current.


  -Dependent source
         The source quantity is controlled by another voltage or current.

 The four possible type of dependent source

1. A voltage-controlled voltage source (VCVS).
2. A current-controlled voltage source (CCVS).
3. A voltage-controlled current source (VCCS).
4. A current-controlled current source (CCCS).

Friday, June 19, 2015

Charge,Current,Voltage,Power and Energy

Charge,Current,Voltage,Power and Energy  


              My leanings about charge,current,voltage,power and energy is that charge is the basic quantity in an electric circuit and define as an electrical properties of material in physics as a electrical charge.The charge is measured in coulombs or letter "C" and the charge is q(t)and 1 electron is equivalent of 1.602X10^-19C(coulombs). In atoms there are two types of charges the negative or electron and the positive or the proton positive and negative charges move in different direction.

             The current is the flow electrical charge to the conductors it will measure in Ampere and there are to types of current the alternating current or AC the flow of electric charge is one line only maybe it the direction of it is going to positive of negative and direct current or DC the flow of electric charge is up and down just like a wave.

             In Voltage it is the charge rates of doing work or the energy required to move a unit charge through an element it symbolize letter "V". Voltage may be constant/ varying and voltage is the one who push the ampere.

             The other one is the power. Power defined to be the time rate of doing work it measure watt(w) and the power can be solve in this equation power is equivalent to the work over time.For me the power shows us the time that the work requires.The power can be absorbed or supply by the circuit element.The power absorb by the element can be either negative of positive. Positive power is an element that absorb power and the negative power is element that can supply power and the power (P supplied +P absorbed = 0.

             The last one is the energy. The most common description of the Energy define as the capacity to do work.It measured my Joule(J).