Saturday, October 10, 2015

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CpE 311 Blog

Mid -Term

Blog Entry No. 1            

     Charge,Current,Voltage,Power and Energy

              Circuit Element
              Kirchoff Law

Blog Entry No. 2

              Basic Laws: Series and Parallel and Introduction to Experiment

Blog Entry No. 3

             Pursue of Basic Law: Series and Parallel with Example
             Wye-Delta Transformation

Blog Entry No. 4

             Nodal Analysis With Current Source

Blog Entry No.5

            Nodal Analysis with Voltage Source

Blog Entry No. 6

            Another example of Nodal analysis with voltage source


Blog Entry No.8

        Mesh Analysis
        Circuit Theorem


Blog Entry No.9

        Thevenin and Norton Theorem


Blog Entry No.10

         Maximum power transfer


Blog Entry No.11

         First Order Circuits: Source Free RC/RL Circuit
         Capacitor and Inductor

Submitted by:

     Charlie Chavez & Alvin Tutor